
Kingdom of Onendarien: Training and Preparation

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

RP: Kingdom of Onendarien: Sword Training with Comodo
Participants: X231, and Galron2.

Galron2: Drake entered into a quiet café in the capitol, he had been scouting and strolling and it was hot. His canteen was low and he made a stop to refill his canteen and also get a nice cold glass of water. He sat down at the bar and rested his head, tired and thinking of what to do next.
X231: Comodo enters the café to get himself something warm to drink; he had seen Drake come this way but had lost sight of him. The battle in the forest had left him feeling more whole inside, the feeling that at least he was not moping in an unfamiliar place. However, he has no currency to pay for his desired drink. He had only been able to stay the night at the inn out of the sympathy of the owners, since they had thought he wasn’t quote right in the head, owing to his strange customs. After taking a seat, his helmet de-materializes and he looks around for Drake. He takes a look at the meter on his wrist to tell how much power is left before rerouting to the alternative setting. “Hmmm…90%...not good” he thought. “That attack use up that much power?” He would have to be more careful next time.
Galron2: Drake looked up to see Comodo sit not far off. He stood up and went to pat his other world friend on the back, “Comodo my friend, we didn’t see much of you after the fight, so I was unable to get you your share of the reward.” Drake said, smiling a slightly fanged grin. Drake reached for a heavy purse. “The reward was around 900 gold pieces, a large reward for having ousted a large group of pesky goblins; my friends took 100 each, they are resting today, I took 150, and set aside 200 for the rest of the company and expenses, and this” Drake shook the purse, “is yours…150 gold pieces, as you deserve for your contribution and bravery.” Drake set it down and it resounded with a lot of coins. “We all entered a particular fury that is within our blood, the Dragonborn Fury that allows us to withstand wounds and unleash an overwhelming attack on our enemies for a length of time; we received some wounds too, but we are fine” said Drake, showing a slash on his arm.
X231: Comodo takes his pay with a smile, “Oh, thank you.” He looks at the gold pieces with a slight bit of amazement, his inspection growing into more curiosity, “Hmmm…so, this currency is only traded for goods and services here, nothing else?” This almost gave an idea of how different his race’s currency must have been. He places a single piece in a compartment for safe keeping, almost as a souvenir to represent his time here.
Galron2: Drake smiled at his friend’s intrigue. “Yes, it is mostly just used for those purposes, but I cannot be completely sure of different values, I am of course not from around here, its alien to me, but as Rangers it’s easy to adapt and become more familiar, especially in terms of terrain as demonstrated by our action against the goblins.” Drake said, and then pointing out, “I was amazed by how fast you were, very useful. Also your vanishing, goblins can be very superstitious things and most were too scared to fight you so it was easy to mop them up as they fled towards us. That reminds me” said Drake as he reached into his cloak, removing a golden dagger. Stored in a sheath of gold and its handle also golden, it was a splendidly crafted weapon, with a ruby in the centre of the hilt. We took spoils from the goblins, we each took something as a trophy, and I thought this was best given to you. It has a hidden quality, very useful too, would you like me to show you outside?” Drake asks, handling the dagger.
X231: Modo looks at the blade as Drake presented it to him. He becomes even more curious about the hidden quality Drake refers to. Modo nods and gets up, walking outside whilst marvelling at the dagger’s golden appearance. He notes, “That looks like one way the gold pieces can be used for. How valued is this material here?” Comodo asks, truly wishing to know since the material on his home world was not so glamorous. However, it was incredibly useful, especially if you are a major user of technology.
Galron2: Drake led Comodo outside, holding the dagger in his hand. “You are right. Gold is used for certain items and especially for gifts of special weapons such as this one” Drake said. “I myself took an amulet from a large goblin” Drake paused, showing a golden amulet that had until now been hidden beneath his shirt. On a golden chain, the amulet was of a dragon, one head pointing left and another right, its wings extended and talons on its feet open. But most spectacular were the emeralds, one set into the eyes of each head, and an oval-shaped emerald set into the dragon’s chest; a golden tail curled out underneath. Drake then proceeded to remove the dagger from its sheath, it was fat and heavy, but Comodo would soon see why. “Watch this” said Drake. He placed his thumb on what had appeared to be a simple ruby decoration, but he then pressed down on it. There was a click and the dagger extended its length piece by piece until it had turned into a long sword, now thinner and flatter. “See what I mean?” Drake laughed.
X231: Modo watches and took a quick step back as the blade changed shape. He stares and is quite surprised. “Well….this is quite amazing” he says, approaching the weapon to get a better view, “All my life I like melee weapons more than those used back where I’m from. It’s currently not a peaceful situation back there and I didn’t wish to be a part of it.” Comodo looks over the blade once more, his thought towards what it must have taken to craft such an item. He calmly asks, “May I wield it?”
Galron2: Drake turns the steel and gold of the blade in his gloves and offers it to his friend. “Of course, it is yours after all” Drake said, pausing for a moment. “I tested that blade; I swung it and cut a chunk of wood in two like it was paper. A fine weapon, both as a dagger and a sword, it will serve you well.” Drake smiled and then beamed. “Would you like a friendly duel by the inn? Just to get into the feel of it, your blade against my spare here” Drake suggested, patting the weapon at his side.
X231: Comodo carefully takes the blade and was soon reminded that his suit was still augmenting his strength by quite an amount, so he could wield the sword with ease. He looks to Drake and thought about the sparring suggestion in front of the hotel. “Sure, I think that I’ll try it out, it will be my first time with a weapon in general so….I’ll try to be careful.” Comodo tried a few stances but each seemed wrong for his inexperience; he was used to hand-to-hand combat.
Galron2: Drake nodded and led Comodo to an open space, a short distance from the hotel. Once there, he drew his sword and turned. “Here are some tips, always be on your toes, keep both eyes on your opponent’s weapon, as well as his other hand in case he tries to hit you, legs apart, sword arm pointing forward, other arm side on, as if shielding yourself” said Drake, “I’ll try to go easy on you, my father taught me of another position, ‘Hawk Guard’, stand one leg forward the other leg back, holding your sword with both hands high; when your opponent attacks, bring your blade down on his, deflecting it, then follow up with a spin and slash, or just shoulder him to the ground, let us begin.”
X231: Comodo nods adding, “Alright, legs apart…sword arm forward…other one side on…ok, here we go”, and readies himself in the first stance. Watching Drake’s movements, the Alazorian thrusts the blade forwards, stepping accordingly, but leaving himself open in his defence.
Galron2: Drake watched the strike and brought his blade up, clanging against Comodo’s sword and deflecting it up. Drake then lightly punched his friend in the gut, adding “if your opponent’s sword goes up, I know this may be dirty fighting, but you must match your enemy if he is equally treacherous, so aim for vital spots in his gut or stomach, or try tripping him.”
X231: Modo felt the hit to his gut and jolted back, sure his strike was fast, but drake had been clear with his pointers. Taking the ‘Hawk Guard’ this time, he attempted to slash downwards while being aware of his surroundings.
Galron2: Drake sidestepped and brought the flat of his blade up to defend. He underestimated the incoming strike. The specialised sword cleaved through Drake’s blade and it fell to pieces and leaving him dismayed. Drake grinned and did a slight bow, “It seems you’ve won, my friend, that’s a mighty fine blade, so use it when you have to, no one will suspect such a thing to spring from a dagger.”
X231: Comodo looked in surprise as his blade destroyed Drake’s, then bowed back to Drake. He nodded and looked at the ruby on the hilt, and pressed it, retracting the blade back to its dagger form. Sheathing it once more, he placed it at his suit’s thigh, a clamp extending to keep it in place. Looking in the direction of the inn, Comodo adds, “Well, now I have money, I can pay for another stay and then some…is the rest of your group within?”
Galron2: Drake smiled, “They are indeed, and the rest of our band moved in yesterday and some are scouting the city and surrounding area. Let’s see if any are up and around, shall we? Oh, and the price is five pieces a night, so you are quite well set.”
X231: Comodo starts to have something of a strange feeling, something familiar, but it chilled him and sent a shiver up his spine, like a bad omen. A distinct memory came to mind, but not one he was too fond of. He turns to Drake as the feeling disappears, “Well let’s head in there and you can introduce me to them, by all means” and Comodo went to the inn, opening the door for his friend.
Galron2: Drake entered in front of Comodo and his gaze fell on several of his Rangers spread throughout the reception area. Sora, Patrinn and two others sat at the bar, drinking ale and laughing. Heskan and Kriv were at the immediate left of the door, having won a dice game against five humans who now stared shocked as the two pulled a small pile of coins towards them and clapped hands. Heskan saw Drake, “Evening to you sir, and you sir” when Comodo followed. Heskan had lost the tip of his tail to a goblin, it was now growing back, Kriv had broken some fingers, but as a result of punching a lot of goblins in the face. Sora had come out unscathed, but Patrinn had a nasty burn. Dragonborn, even hybrids, weren’t affected badly by fire, but a burned patch still needed to heal. Patrinn had been in fury when he was wrestling with a couple of goblins over a campfire, not noticing the burning sensation. “Your friend and you are welcome to sit with us” said Heskan as the humans left, Drake turned to Comodo, “You should pay your fee for the night, I think.”
X231: After drake had entered, Comodo took one last look outside and wondered what had caused that sudden dread earlier. Taking a minute, he materialized his helmet and did a quick scan for unwanted intruders. Luckily he saw nothing and closed the door, making his way to the main desk and paying for his stay. Looking back at the others, he comments softly, “They may not be Alazorian, but I’m not complaining.”
Galron2: Drake slapped the backs of every Ranger present, except Sora, he ruffled her arm in a friendly way. Drake then returned to Comodo and patted his shoulder, “well done today, I think I’ll retire to my room and sleep, but you seem troubled, is everything alright? You should probably rest and then tomorrow, we can check out the notice board for another quest.”
X231: Comodo smiles and thanks Drake for the weapon and his hospitality, “Thanks…and yeah, I will probably rest up too, it’s just my thought messing with me” and Comodo went to his room, adding on the way, “Oh cool, let’s do that later then” and heads upstairs and into his room. // Meanwhile, up on the roof above Modo’s room, a glowing being kneel, wearing a black and white open straitjacket. He watches Modo enter and close the door, and appears to be Alazorian too, similar to Comodo. His body is white and black, like his clothing and his dreads too alternate colours; his eyes are black, with slit pupils glowing white. He speaks slyly and evilly, with a light echo, “Rest now, Modo, rest to the fullest. Because I want a good fight when I cleave you apart…” and with that the being disappears into the night, his suit vanishing as Comodo’s suit did, and all was silent the rest of the night.
This was a quiet and relaxing Role Play that I did with my buddy :iconx231:
It was an enjoyable one just to introduce the characters and produce a small slice of life in between action.
© 2014 - 2024 Galron2
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